The Top Rated Chocolate Brands of 2023

is the highest rated chocolate 2023?

Welcome to Chocolate Brands™, where we know chocolate. In 2023, chocolate connoisseurs will find themselves facing numerous options, making it difficult to determine the highest rated chocolate options. Luckily, our team of expert chocolate tasters has tasted chocolate from across the globe, so we know which brands have managed to stand out from the crowd. In this article, we will introduce you to the highest rated chocolate brands of 2023, providing you with our expert opinion.

The Rankings

  1. Zotter Chocolate
  2. Mast Chocolate
  3. Valrhona Chocolate
  4. Amedei Chocolate
  5. Cacao Prieto
  6. Dandelion Chocolate
  7. Soma Chocolate
  8. To'ak Chocolate
  9. Dick Taylor Chocolate
  10. Askinosie Chocolate

These exceptional brands have found a way to stand out in the overcrowded world of chocolate. Each one offers a unique experience that every chocolate lover should try at least once.

What Makes These Brands Exceptional?

Zotter Chocolate

Zotter Chocolate is known for their exceptional quality and ethical approach to chocolate production. All of their chocolate bars are created using organically grown fair-trade cocoa, and they offer a wide range of flavors, including exotic combinations such as raspberry and balsamic vinegar. Zotter uses traditional chocolate-making methods and carefully roasts their beans to bring out the natural flavors of the cocoa, resulting in a deliciously rich texture and flavor.

Mast Chocolate

If you're looking for high-quality chocolate that's made in small batches, Mast Chocolate is an excellent option. Mast focuses on simplicity, using only pure ingredients and eschewing the use of additives such as emulsifiers. They source their cocoa beans directly from small-scale farmers and roast them in-house, resulting in bold, unique flavors.

Valrhona Chocolate

Based in France, Valrhona Chocolate has been producing high-quality chocolate for over 90 years. They are known for their consistent flavor and texture, which comes from their meticulous attention to detail throughout the entire chocolate-making process. Using a variety of cocoa beans from different regions, they create a wide selection of chocolate products ranging from baking chocolate for chefs to individual chocolate bars.

Amedei Chocolate

Hailing from Italy, Amedei Chocolate specializes in crafting chocolate that is the perfect balance between sweet and bitter. Their chocolate uses only the best cocoa, which is sourced from around the world, then blended according to their own proprietary methods. The result is a complex, nuanced chocolate that's sure to please even the most discerning chocolate lover.

Cacao Prieto

Cacao Prieto is a small-batch chocolate company based in Brooklyn, New York. They use only the finest organic Dominican cocoa beans and are known for their unique production process which involves hand-sorting, sun-drying, and stone-grinding the beans. This results in a unique and delicious chocolate bar that's perfect for those who want to try something new.

Dandelion Chocolate

Dandelion Chocolate is a bean-to-bar chocolate maker based in San Francisco. They focus on using high-quality ingredients and traditional chocolate-making methods to create a delicious, smooth chocolate experience. The company is best known for their single-origin chocolate bars, which allow customers to taste the unique flavors of the cocoa beans from different regions.

Soma Chocolate

Based in Toronto, Canada, Soma Chocolate specializes in bean-to-bar chocolate products that are made using only the best cocoa beans. They also use unique ingredients such as fruits and spices to create unique flavor combinations that you won't find anywhere else. Soma also has a selection of drinking chocolate, perfect for a cozy night in.

To'ak Chocolate

If you want to try chocolate that's rare and unique, To'ak Chocolate is the perfect option. They use only the rarest and most exquisite heirloom cocoa beans, and their entire production process is designed to bring out the best flavors in the chocolate. They offer a variety of chocolate bars and also have a chocolate subscription service, so you can always have access to their delectable chocolate.

Dick Taylor Chocolate

Based in California, Dick Taylor Chocolate is a bean-to-bar chocolate maker that uses traditional chocolate-making methods to create delicious chocolate bars. They source their cocoa beans directly from farmers and carefully roast them in-house to bring out the full flavor of the cocoa. This results in chocolate that's smooth, rich, and flavorful.

Askinosie Chocolate

Askinosie Chocolate is a small-batch chocolate maker based in Missouri. They are known for their direct trade relationships with cocoa farmers, which ensures that they always get the best quality cocoa for their chocolate products. Askinosie also offers a selection of unique chocolate bars, including chocolate that's made with goat's milk and chocolate that's infused with various spices.

What is High-Quality Chocolate?

High-quality chocolate is more than just a sweet treat; it's an experience. When selecting chocolate, there are certain qualities that you should look for, including:

  • Taste: High-quality chocolate should have a rich, complex flavor that's neither too bitter nor too sweet.
  • Texture: The texture should be smooth and creamy, with no grainy or rough textures.
  • Ingredient quality: High-quality chocolate should use only the best ingredients, such as cocoa butter, vanilla, and sugar.
  • Ethics: Ethical chocolate production involves using fair-trade cocoa and ensuring that cocoa farmers receive a fair price for their beans.

Quick Tips and Facts

  • Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids has numerous health benefits, including improved heart health and a boost in brain function.
  • Chocolate should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat to prevent it from melting.
  • Chocolate contains flavanols, which have been shown to have numerous health benefits.
  • The first chocolate factory was established in Switzerland in the 1800s.
  • The cacao tree, which produces cocoa beans, can only grow in a narrow strip of land around the equator.


What is the largest chocolate company in the world 2023?

The largest chocolate company in the world in 2023 is likely to still be Mars, Inc., which owns popular chocolate brands such as Snickers, M&Ms, and Twix.

Who Makes the Highest Quality Chocolate in the World?

Determining the highest quality chocolate in the world is subjective, as different people have different tastes. However, all the brands on our list of the top rated chocolate brands offer exceptional quality and are definitely worth trying.

What is High Quality Chocolate?

High-quality chocolate is typically made using only the best ingredients, hand-crafted by skilled chocolate makers, and often using traditional chocolate-making methods. High-quality chocolate should have a rich, complex flavor and smooth texture, with no additives or artificial preservatives.

How Do You Choose the Best Chocolate Brands?

When choosing the best chocolate brands, be sure to look for brands that use only the best ingredients, have ethical production processes, and offer unique and delicious flavor combinations. You can also read reviews, ask for recommendations from friends or experts, and search for certification symbols such as Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance.

Can Chocolate Be Healthy?

Yes, chocolate can be healthy when consumed in moderation and in its purest form, such as dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. Research has shown that the flavanols found in cocoa can improve heart health and boost brain function.


If you're looking for high-quality chocolate options, any of the brands on our list are sure to deliver a truly unique and delicious experience. Whether you prefer artisanal small-batch brands or classic, renowned brands, there's a chocolate out there for you. When choosing chocolate, be sure to pay attention to the ingredients, production process, and flavor profile to ensure that you're selecting the best of the best.

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The Popular Brands Review Team is a collective of seasoned professionals boasting an extensive and varied portfolio in the field of product evaluation. Composed of experts with specialties across a myriad of industries, the team’s collective experience spans across numerous decades, allowing them a unique depth and breadth of understanding when it comes to reviewing different brands and products.

Leaders in their respective fields, the team's expertise ranges from technology and electronics to fashion, luxury goods, outdoor and sports equipment, and even food and beverages. Their years of dedication and acute understanding of their sectors have given them an uncanny ability to discern the most subtle nuances of product design, functionality, and overall quality.

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